Prices & Delivery Information

The prices stated on the product pages include the statutory value added tax and other price components. We deliver to many countries. A detailed list can be found below. In addition to the indicated prices we charge for the delivery lump sums per order. The shipping costs are clearly communicated to you in the shopping cart system and on the order page again.In the following table you can see how high the shipping costs are for each country.

Orders in Germany: All items 5,90 €

ZONE 1 / 16,90 €

All countries in the EU

Belgien, Malta, Bulgarien, Monaco Dänemark (außer Färöer, Grönland), Niederlande (außer außereurop. Gebiete), Estland, Österreich, Finnland (außer Älandinseln), Polen, Frankreich (außer überseeische Gebiete und Departments), Portugal, Griechenland (außer Berg Athos), Rumänien, Großbritannien (außer Kanalinseln), Schweden, Irland, Slowakei, Italien (außer Livigno und Campione d’Italia), Slowenien, Kroatien, Spanien (außer Kanarische Inseln, Ceuta und Melilla), Lettland, Tschechische Republik, Litauen, Ungarn, Luxemburg, Zypern (außer Nordteil)

ZONE 2 / 36,00€

All other european countries

Älandinseln (Finnland), Liechtenstein, Andorra, Livigno (Italien), Albanien, Mazedonien, Belarus Melilla (Spanien), Berg Athos (Griechenland), Moldau, Bosnien-Herzegovina, Montenegro, Campione d’Italia (Italien), Norwegen, Ceuta (Spanien), Russische Föderation, Färöer-Inseln (Dänemark), San Marino, Georgien Schweiz, Gibraltar (Großbritannien), Serbien, Grönland (Dänemark), Türkei, Island, Ukraine, Kanalinseln (Großbritannien), Vatikanstadt, Kanarische Inseln (Spanien), Zypern (Nordteil), Kosovo

ZONE 3 / 42,00€

Middle East and North America

Ägypten, Libanon, Algerien, Libyen, Armenien, Marokko, Aserbaidschan, Palästinensische Gebiete, Israel, St. Pierre und Miquelon (Frankreich), Jordanien, Syrien, Kanada, Tunesien, Kasachstan, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika

ZONE 4 / 47,00€

All other countries beside zone 1, 2 or 3.Delivery restrictions and exceptions

We deliver all articles offered in our shop to the countries listed in the table above.

Please note that we do not supply the following overseas territories in France:
Guadeloupe, Martinique, Guyane, La Réunion, St-Pierre-et-Miquelon, Mayotte, the French Southern and Antarctic Territories, Wallis and Futuna, French Polynesia, New Caledonia.
Please note that we do not deliver to the Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla.

Delivery times

The delivery time depends on the ordered items, the chosen payment method and the country to which the order will be shipped.
Available items are usually shipped the same business day for orders placed before 1pm.
In case of delivery problems or waiting times, you will be informed by our customer service immediately after receipt of your order.

The delivery time within Germany is 2 – 3 working days.
The delivery time abroad is approx. 5 – 10 working days.

When shipping the goods, you will receive a shipping confirmation by e-mail to your e-mail address specified in the order process.

Shipping status

When the goods are shipped, you will receive a shipping confirmation by e-mail to the e-mail address specified in the order process.

If you have any questions about the status of your order, please contact us by email:

Shipping service provider

We ship parcels within Germany with DPD, DHL and UPS.
Orders from other countries are also shipped by DPD, DHL and UPS or handed over to the respective country post office.

Information on Swiss value added tax, customs & fees

Please note that import sales tax (Swiss value added tax) and customs duties may apply when importing goods into Switzerland. As the buyer, you bear the costs for this yourself.

Value added tax

We only charge the net price (see gross price on our website minus 19% German VAT).
The Swiss customs then levies 8% Swiss value added tax as well as customs duties and postal presentation tax, if applicable.
These fees will be invoiced separately by customs and are due upon delivery. You can find more information about Swiss VAT on the website of the Swiss Federal Tax Administration –

Customs duties

The amount depends on the net value of the goods, the gross weight of the parcel (including packaging) and the type of goods. You can find out which customs duties apply to which product groups from your local customs office (e.g. contact the Basel customs office: e-mail:, tel.: 061 287 11 11).

When returning the goods, paid customs duty and Swiss VAT can be reclaimed from the customs office. Further information and an example of how customs duties are calculated can be found on the Swiss Customs website –

Post tax for presentation to the post office

When importing into Switzerland, a so-called postal presentation tax is due if customs or VAT exceed the tax-free amount of CHF 5. The postal presentation tax is the fee charged by Swiss Post for completing customs formalities and amounts to CHF 10 per parcel.